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Sewn Braid Headband With a Messy Bun

I love the simple look of having a headband with a pony or piggies. But, my daughter will not leave the headbands alone! She loves to take them on and off and by the time the day is over, it's a complete mess. So, here's my solution. More time consuming, yes, but really cute too.

Start by making a pony, leaving out some hair underneath. Split the hair underneath into 2 sections and add some elastics. It's not going to be seen once you make your messy bun, so it doesn't really matter how it looks under there.

Braid both of the sections and lay them over the top of her head. Position the braids where you want them and add a clip to keep the braids together and temporarily anchored to her head.
Starting on one side, at the bottom (under the pony) sew the braid onto her hair the same way I did it with this hairstyle. Once you get to the point where the braids meet, tuck the end of the other braid underneath and keep sewing. When you get past the elastic of the other braid, you'll need to bring the ribbon through both braids to hold them together for a couple of stitches. Like I am doing here........
Sew all the way to the other side, positioning the braid as you go. When you get the the bottom, tie the ribbon in with the elastic and make your messy bun.

If your little girls hair is on the thinner side, I would recommend doing the stitches diagonally for a better hold. Also, if you have time, you could sew it twice, making the second stitches slanting the opposite way, forming X's all the way across. This would hold it really well. Make sense?

If your little girls hair is long enough, you could do one braid going all the way around. Or if it's shorter, start the braids up by the ear. That will give you an extra couple of inches on each side.

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  1. It looks beautiful! I just love all the options that come with sewing the hair to itself. It opens up a whole new world! :)

  2. this is soooo cute! Where do you come up with this stuff?

  3. What a cool idea. Why didn't I think of that? ...oh wait. It's probablly because my girls won't have enough hair to do that until they're 30!

    You're so lucky!

  4. I LOVE this! It's such a creative idea. I had never seen the sewn braid before, until your blog; it's so cute!

  5. Love the sewn headband idea...and while I'm do you do a "messy-bun"? I've seen them on the teenagers and always wondered!

  6. Oh MY heck! That is super cute. I will have to try that out on a day that my girlies feel like sitting for a while! You amaze me!

  7. Dolly, I had another request a couple of days ago for a messy bun video. I'll get one up soon. I'm just waiting for a time when my husband is free to help me :)

    Jamie, Don't worry, it'll happen soon enough. I'm totally amazed at what you can do with so little. It would be scary to see what you could do with more! LOL

    Thanks everyone else for your nice comments!! You're all so sweet.

  8. That one is SO beautiful! I love your ideas... What a great idea to sew ribbons into the headband.

  9. LOVE THIS! Seriously, I am looking for an idea for Halloween for my middle child. I may use this! Absolutely brilliant!

  10. WAY WAY CUTE!!! I love it!!

  11. this by far has been the coolest hairstyle i have seen! i love it and cant wait to see if my girls hair is long enough!!

  12. Okay, that is SOOOO cute! I can hardly wait to try it..!!

  13. My mom used to do my hair in two raised braids then lace a ribbon through the braids like a shoe. I like your new twist on lacing ribbon I may try that for my princess party. Thanks for your wonderful blog!

  14. no waaaayyyyyyy that is much too cool - excuse me while I hyperventilate over here - that would be FAB for ballet!

  15. I am doing a giveaway. If you shout me out and you have the most people come over, you get 5 custom bows....

  16. SEW cute!!! Ha ha ha-- I am a dork! But I love this one. I tried something similar but it flopped on me- blah! So thanks for showing me how to make this cute style. You are the gal with the skills to pay the bills!!!

  17. OMGosh!!! This is beautiful. How in the world do you come up with this stuff? I LOVE LOVE your blog. Thanks for all the great ideas.

  18. Very cute my dear friend!!! Maybe one day she'll let me sew her head!

  19. Would you be able to post a video on how to do the sewing? I tried to do and just couldn't get it to work. Thanks.

  20. спасибо!Очень интересный сайт.У меня две девочки.так я отсюда черпаю идеи!Для танцев не заменимо.

  21. I love love love this sewn braid headband and it is one of the only styles you do that I really am not sure how you do reguarding the sewing part. I saw your other link and don't get that sewn look either. Would you do a video tutorial for this look, words might not even be needed, just need to see you do it! My fav look!! Thanks, Lynelle in Seattle

  22. Интересно написано....но многое остается непонятнымb

  23. can you just braid the ribbon into the braids if you don't want to sew it in?

  24. i need answers plz

  25. what kind of sewing needle did you use

  26. where did you get the needle for this do


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